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New! The Brent Gambrell Podcast

The Brent Gambrell Podcast Podcast Artwork Image


Today launches:

IT IS A BIG DAY in the life of Brent Gambrell and A Door To HOPE. This has been a dream and calling on Brent's heart for quite some time, and NOW is the time the Lord has ordained for this dream to become a reality.

Join Brent as he shares some of his favorite messages, some 'a-ha' moments and even has special guests from time to time.  Our prayer is that you would be encouraged, challenged, laugh a little and be 'spurred on'. 
Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,"   That is our prayer... that YOU would be SPURRED ON by this podcast, and that the Lord would use this as a tool to point everyone to Him.  So, please go NOW and check out the 1st episode of
The Brent Gambrell Podcast!

There are a few ways to listen:
1. Click either of the links above or click HERE
2.  If you have a smart phone - Hold your camera over the QR code at the very top of this email, and it will take you directly to the PODCAST
3. Please make sure you SUBSCRIBE to The Brent Gambrell Podcast - to ensure you have access to EVERY episode.

We truly hope you will SUBSCRIBE and ENJOY this podcast. We are fervently praying for each one of you, and look forward to hearing how the Lord challenges and spurs you on thru this journey.  

The a door to hope Team